Title: Direct Loading Test on Three-Phase Alternator to Determine Regulation and Efficiency


The objective of this experiment is to perform a direct loading test on a three-phase alternator to determine its efficiency and voltage regulation. The direct loading test involves loading the alternator with a known load, measuring the input and output power, and analyzing the alternator's performance under different load conditions. The efficiency of the alternator is calculated by comparing the mechanical input power to the electrical output power, while the voltage regulation is determined by observing the change in terminal voltage from no-load to full-load conditions. The findings provide insights into the alternator’s operational characteristics and performance.


A three-phase alternator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy through electromagnetic induction. The alternator's performance is evaluated using two key parameters: efficiency and voltage regulation.

  • Efficiency: The efficiency of the alternator is defined as the ratio of the electrical output power to the mechanical input power. It represents how effectively the alternator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

  • Voltage Regulation: Voltage regulation refers to the change in the output voltage of the alternator as the load varies. It is typically expressed as a percentage of the no-load voltage and indicates the ability of the alternator to maintain a constant output voltage under varying load conditions.

This experiment involves performing a direct loading test on a three-phase alternator to measure its efficiency and voltage regulation.

Materials and Methods


  • Three-phase alternator
  • Variable load bank (resistive load)
  • Tachometer (for measuring speed)
  • Digital ammeter, voltmeter, and wattmeter
  • Power factor meter (if available)
  • Load control switch (for adjusting load)
  • Mechanical prime mover (engine or motor driving the alternator)


1. Direct Loading Test Setup:

  1. Motor and Alternator Setup:

    • Connect the three-phase alternator to a mechanical prime mover, which will provide the required mechanical input to the alternator.
    • Connect the alternator to the load bank and ensure the power meters (voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter) are connected to the alternator output terminals to measure the electrical parameters.
  2. No-Load Condition:

    • Before loading the alternator, start the mechanical prime mover and allow the alternator to run at its rated speed without any load.
    • Measure and record the no-load terminal voltage (Vno-loadV_{\text{no-load}}), current (Ino-loadI_{\text{no-load}}), and output power. The current should ideally be zero in a no-load condition.
    • Measure and record the speed of the alternator using the tachometer.
  3. Apply Load in Steps:

    • Gradually increase the load on the alternator using the load bank in steps (e.g., 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of rated load).
    • For each load step, measure and record the following:
      • Output power: Measured using the wattmeter.
      • Terminal voltage: Measured using the voltmeter.
      • Current: Measured using the ammeter.
      • Power factor: Measured using the power factor meter (if available).
      • Speed: Measured using the tachometer.
  4. Repeat Measurements:

    • At each load step, allow the alternator to stabilize before taking measurements. Ensure that the load is applied incrementally and that the alternator operates at a constant speed.
    • Take readings at no load, partial load, and full load conditions.

Data Recording:

Sample Data Table:

Load (%) Output Power (W) Input Power (W) Terminal Voltage (V) Current (A) Power Factor Speed (rpm)
0 0 [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value]
25 [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value]
50 [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value]
75 [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value]
100 [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value] [Value]


1. Efficiency:

The efficiency of the alternator is calculated using the formula:

η=PoutPin×100\eta = \frac{P_{\text{out}}}{P_{\text{in}}} \times 100


  • PoutP_{\text{out}} is the electrical output power (measured by the wattmeter).
  • PinP_{\text{in}} is the mechanical input power, which can be approximated by the power supplied by the prime mover (if available) or assumed to be constant based on the input mechanical conditions.

In case the mechanical power is not directly available, the efficiency can be approximated using the following relationship for three-phase systems:

Pin=3×Vline×Iline×cos(Ï•)P_{\text{in}} = \sqrt{3} \times V_{\text{line}} \times I_{\text{line}} \times \cos(\phi)


  • VlineV_{\text{line}} is the line voltage.
  • IlineI_{\text{line}} is the line current.
  • cos(Ï•)\cos(\phi) is the power factor.

2. Voltage Regulation:

Voltage regulation is calculated using the formula:

Voltage Regulation=Vno-loadVfull-loadVfull-load×100\text{Voltage Regulation} = \frac{V_{\text{no-load}} - V_{\text{full-load}}}{V_{\text{full-load}}} \times 100


  • Vno-loadV_{\text{no-load}} is the terminal voltage at no load.
  • Vfull-loadV_{\text{full-load}} is the terminal voltage at full load.

3. Plotting Efficiency and Voltage Regulation Curves:

  • Efficiency vs Output Power: Plot the efficiency as a function of output power. The efficiency will typically increase with load, stabilizing at high loads.
  • Voltage Regulation vs Output Power: Plot the voltage regulation as a function of output power. Voltage regulation tends to be higher at lower loads and decreases as the load increases.

Results and Data Analysis

Sample Calculations:

  • Efficiency Calculation for 50% Load: Suppose the following values were obtained at 50% load:

    • Output Power Pout=500WP_{\text{out}} = 500 \, \text{W}
    • Input Power Pin=600WP_{\text{in}} = 600 \, \text{W}

    Then, efficiency would be calculated as:

    η=500600×100=83.33%\eta = \frac{500}{600} \times 100 = 83.33\%
  • Voltage Regulation: Suppose the following values were obtained:

    • No-load voltage Vno-load=230VV_{\text{no-load}} = 230 \, \text{V}
    • Full-load voltage Vfull-load=220VV_{\text{full-load}} = 220 \, \text{V}

    Then, voltage regulation would be calculated as:

    Voltage Regulation=230220220×100=4.55%\text{Voltage Regulation} = \frac{230 - 220}{220} \times 100 = 4.55\%


  1. Efficiency Curve:

    • Efficiency typically increases with load and stabilizes at high loads, as the motor losses (such as core losses and friction) are spread over a larger output power.
    • At very low loads, the efficiency is generally lower due to the fixed losses in the alternator (core losses, copper losses, etc.).
  2. Voltage Regulation Curve:

    • Voltage regulation is higher at light load and decreases as the load increases. At light load, the alternator's ability to maintain constant voltage is reduced, while at full load, the voltage variation becomes less noticeable.
    • A high voltage regulation indicates that the alternator has difficulty maintaining a constant output voltage under varying loads, which is common in older or less efficient machines.


The direct load test on the three-phase alternator was successfully conducted, and the efficiency and voltage regulation were determined for different load conditions. The efficiency increases with load and stabilizes at high loads, while the voltage regulation decreases as the load increases. These characteristics are typical for alternators, and the findings provide useful information about the alternator's performance and suitability for various applications.